Because the spoiled-GRE technique is specifically designed to disrupt transverse (T2) coherences, its major benefit and use is in producing T1-weighted images. Nevertheless, both spin density- and T2*-weighting can be achieved by appropriate selection of parameters. As a result of this versatility and the ability to acquire images in either 2D or 3D modes, spoiled-GRE sequences are now ubiquitously used for MR imaging of virtually every body part.
The signal from a spoiled-GRE sequenced depends on three operator-selectable parameters (TR, TE, and flip angle α) plus three intrinsic tissue parameters (T1, T2*, and spin-density [H]). Note that dependence is on T2* rather than T2 because SE/STE formation is suppressed by spoiling and the signal is generated by gradient refocusing of an FID.
Assuming a longitudinal steady-state has been reached and perfect spoiling, the signal (S) of a spoiled GRE sequence is given by
where k is a scaling factor. By simple calculus (setting dS/dα = 0) we find that the the signal is maximized when α = αE, the Ernst angle, where
The Ernst angle concept has already been introduced in a previous Q&A to which the reader is referred for more details. It should be noted that although the Ernst angle gives the highest signal for a given tissue for a certain TR/T1 combination, it does not necessarily maximize image contrast between two different tissues.
Carefully dissecting the signal equation provides insight into parameter weighting. Specifically,

(1) Signal is always proportional to spin density [H], an effect that can never be removed.
(2) TE controls T2*-weighting. The only place T2* appears in the equation is in the final term [exp (−TE/T2*)]. When TE is large, this term dominates. When TE is small, this term approaches unity and the T2* contribution is minimized.
(3) Flip angle (α) controls T1-weighting. A small flip angle minimizes T1-weighting because the longitudinal magnetizations of various tissues are not differentiated much by such a small angular displacement. Hence at small flip angles, [H] and T2* effects predominate. Conversely, as α → 90º, T1-weighting increases.
(4) TR controls T1-weighting. Note that all occurrences of TR in the equation are in terms of the form [exp (−TR/T1)]. When TR is small, this term becomes large and T1-weighting increases. Conversely, when TR is long, T1-weighting is minimized.
(2) TE controls T2*-weighting. The only place T2* appears in the equation is in the final term [exp (−TE/T2*)]. When TE is large, this term dominates. When TE is small, this term approaches unity and the T2* contribution is minimized.
(3) Flip angle (α) controls T1-weighting. A small flip angle minimizes T1-weighting because the longitudinal magnetizations of various tissues are not differentiated much by such a small angular displacement. Hence at small flip angles, [H] and T2* effects predominate. Conversely, as α → 90º, T1-weighting increases.
(4) TR controls T1-weighting. Note that all occurrences of TR in the equation are in terms of the form [exp (−TR/T1)]. When TR is small, this term becomes large and T1-weighting increases. Conversely, when TR is long, T1-weighting is minimized.
The effects of TE, α, and TR on image contrast are summarized in the images montages below:
Effect of Flip Angle (α) α controls T1-weighting |
A small flip angle (α) minimizes T1-weighting. This is because a small flip angle only changes the steady-state longitudinal magnetization of various tissues slightly. Hence they are only slightly differentiated based on their intrinsic T1 properties. So at low flip angles, [H] and T2* effects predominate. Conversely, as α → 90º, T1-weighting increases.
A table providing typical spoiled GRE-parameters to achieve different contrast weightings applicable for 1.5T is given below:
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Buxton RB, Edelman RR, Rosen BR et al. Contrast in rapid MR imaging: T1- and T2-weighted imaging. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1987; 11:7-16.
Elster AD. Gradient echo imaging: techniques and acronyms. Radiology 1993; 186:1-8.
Ernst RR, Anderson WA. Application of Fourier transform spectroscopy to magnetic resonance. Rev Sci Instrum 1966; 37:93-102. (Fairly heavy math, but a classic)
Haase A, Frahm J, Matthaei KD. FLASH imaging: rapid NMR imaging using low flip angle pulses. J Magn Reson 1986: 67: 258-266.
Winkler ML, Ortendahl DA, Mills TC, et al. Characteristics of partial flip angle and gradient reversal MR imaging. Radiology 1988;166:17-26.
Buxton RB, Edelman RR, Rosen BR et al. Contrast in rapid MR imaging: T1- and T2-weighted imaging. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1987; 11:7-16.
Elster AD. Gradient echo imaging: techniques and acronyms. Radiology 1993; 186:1-8.
Ernst RR, Anderson WA. Application of Fourier transform spectroscopy to magnetic resonance. Rev Sci Instrum 1966; 37:93-102. (Fairly heavy math, but a classic)
Haase A, Frahm J, Matthaei KD. FLASH imaging: rapid NMR imaging using low flip angle pulses. J Magn Reson 1986: 67: 258-266.
Winkler ML, Ortendahl DA, Mills TC, et al. Characteristics of partial flip angle and gradient reversal MR imaging. Radiology 1988;166:17-26.
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