Standard Foley catheter systems are composed of a rubber tube with an inflatable balloon cuff connected to an all-plastic external collection apparatus. They are thus considered MR Safe.
However, Foley catheters are occasionally clamped using ferromagnetic C-clamps and other devices that could act as projectiles in the MR environment. These should be replaced by nonmetallic clamps before scanning. Additionally, some drainage bags may include a metallic clip which should be tested for ferromagnetic properties prior to entering the MRI suite (and not allowed to touch the patient in any case).

Temperature-sensing Foley systems contain a wire embedded in the wall of the catheter with a small thermistor at the end to measure core body temperature. Most brands of these devices are considered MR Conditional — conditions that include disconnecting all peripheral cables and electronics as well as running the catheter and wire in a straight configuration down the center of the table without touching the patient. A few brands are considered MR Unsafe by their manufacturers (likely for legal reasons rather than health ones), so always check the product website for the most up-to-date information.
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A few foley catheters contain an ultrathin silver hydrogel coating that supposedly reduces the growth of bacteria. These "silver foleys" should warrant no concern in the MRI environment.
DeRoyal Industries. Additional instructions for use in MR environments based on testing performed in 2004 according to ASTM F2052-02, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Magnetically Induced Displacement force on Passive Implants in the Magnetic Resonance Environment. Downloaded from 1 Jan 2021. (List of conditions for scanning their temperature-sensing Foley catheter).
DeRoyal Industries. Additional instructions for use in MR environments based on testing performed in 2004 according to ASTM F2052-02, Standard Test Method for Measurement of Magnetically Induced Displacement force on Passive Implants in the Magnetic Resonance Environment. Downloaded from 1 Jan 2021. (List of conditions for scanning their temperature-sensing Foley catheter).
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