As described in the prior Q&A gadolinium (Gd) exhibits powerful paramagnetism due to its electronic structure, possessing 7 unpaired electrons in its 4f shell. As these inner electrons are not directly involved with bonding, the paramagnetism of Gd is maintained even when formulated as a contrast agent attache to a larger molecule.
A further consequence of this electron structure is that the Gd+3 ion typically exhibits nine coordination sites for bonding and chemical interactions. In all MR contrast agents now commercially available, a ligand group occupies eight of these sites while the ninth is available for transient bonding by a solvent water molecule. This water molecule approaches very close (mean distance ~0.25 nm) to the metallic center, fitting into a crevice of the ligand. These direct and intimate magnetic interactions between water and the Gd+3 ion give rise to a process known as inner sphere relaxation.

Ball and stick model of the contrast agent Gd-DTPA (Magnevist®). The Gd+3 ion is coordinated with 5 oxygen atoms (blue) and 3 nitrogen atoms (red). Structural carbon atoms are black. The crevice in the molecule leaves room for a single water molecule (blue and green) to interact directly with the Gd+3 ion (inner sphere relaxation). Beyond this a second shell of other water molecules experience outer sphere relaxation.
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Although dipole-dipole interactions are primarily responsible for paramagnetic relaxation in the commonly used gadolinium chelates for clinical imaging, additional mechanisms may be important for other contrast agents, including non-gadolinium ones.
A second mechanism called the Fermi contact shift explains paramagnetic relaxation between an electron and nuclear spin. This involves the transfer of unpaired electron density to overlap with the s-orbitals at the center of the relaxing nucleus. It is a scalar process transmitted through bonds and very similar to nucleus-nucleus J-coupling. It is an important factor for the relaxation of certain transition element complexes such as low spin Fe (III) heme and Ni (II)-based contrast agents.
Finally, chemical exchange and magnetization transfer mechanisms can play important roles, especially explaining the properties of a new class of contrast materials called ParaCEST (Paramagnetic Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer) agents. The paramagnetic center of these molecules is typically a non-gadolinium lanthanide-series element such as Eu (III) or Dy (III) complexed with ligands having easily exchangeable protons on −NH or −OH moieties. These ¹H protons chemically exchange first with coordinated water molecules in the outer sphere around the contrast agent, then subsequently transfer their magnetization to bulk water.
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Can you explain a little more about the dipole-dipole interaction? I still don't quite understand.