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Primovist - Printable Version

+- Unfortunately, the MRIQuestions.com forum became unmanageable due to spam attacks. I recommend an alternative resource: www.imagingQA.com (http://mriquestions.com/forum)
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Primovist - rash - 09-19-2015 07:23 PM

One of my colleagues injected Primovist (gadoxetic acid) accidentally when performing an arthrogram. The product is apparently not licenced for intraarticular use. Is it safe to use it intra articularly? Have there been any anectodotal instances such use in literature? Any of the forum users have any experience?

RE: Primovist - aelster - 09-21-2015 05:39 PM

This should be OK provided he diluted it prior to injection. See my Q&A about intra-articular gadolinium and off-label use: