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MRA to perfusion imaging - Printable Version

+- Unfortunately, the MRIQuestions.com forum became unmanageable due to spam attacks. I recommend an alternative resource: www.imagingQA.com (http://mriquestions.com/forum)
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MRA to perfusion imaging - fungfung310@gmail.com - 06-22-2016 01:00 PM

my fundamental question is : is it possible to modify the Flow in/ Flow out MRA sequences , to become perfusion sequences by applying a long transit delay time.

Here is one example, In " inflow enhanced B-SSFP" , an InFlow technique has been used to get MRA images.

if we have a stronger B field machine, then a longer T1 of the tissue, and a longer TInull and a longer transit delay time

Since in inflow technique, the spins are restored to M+z, no T1 relaxation would occur, and by applying a long enough delay time ( TInull is longer becuase of the strong field ). The arterial spins would perfuse to the tissue. We would have a perufsion image rather than MRA image

By doing so, We could ensure all the spins have long enough transit time to perfuse to the tisse and the spins would not suffer from T1 relaxation.

is it better than ASL ? where tagged spins suffer from T1 relaxation