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Hi Dr Elster,

I thought I should point out a couple of small errors in the quiz questions (section 'NMR Phenomenon - Relaxation I: Physics'). Question 14 has identical selections among the answers, and question 17 uses 'intramolecular' twice in the question where it should have one 'intramolecular' and one 'intermolecular.'

Also, in 'Magnets and Scanners - Site Planning' question 7, it's suggested that the region of strongest magnetic field is at the centre of the bore, but this generally isn't the case. The fringe field maps illustrate magnetic fields close to the flare of the bore which are higher than those at isocentre.

Thanks for this fantastic resource, it has been invaluable in my professional development.

Best regards,
Dear Aaron,
Thank you so much The errors have been corrected. I'm sure there are many more, so please let me know when you find some.
Allen E
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